Volunteer for a 2025 Levy Committee!

Social Media Committee:
This committee will create videos, create content/postings for (at least) once weekly posts aligned with weekly messaging, create social media testimonials, and help answer questions that arise on social media platforms. By signing up for this committee, you are helping the district tell its story through social media posts. Your committee lead will give clear guidance and your committee will meet as needed.
Social Media Levy Committee Lead: Laura Rolfes

Marketing Materials (Signs) Committee:
This committee will organize and distribute signs, create door hangers, and create mailers. By signing up for this committee, you are helping the district tell its story through traditional grass roots methods. Your committee lead will give clear guidance and your committee will meet as needed.
Marketing Materials Levy Committee Lead: Beth Wyandt

Canvassing Committee:
This committee will organize volunteers to canvas neighborhoods and community events, along with provide message training throughout the community. By signing up for this committee, you are helping the district tell its story to large groups of people. Your committee lead will give clear guidance and your committee will meet as needed.
Canvassing Levy Committee Lead: Amy Mangen

Events Committee:
This committee will organize various levy campaign events (like community forums and kick off events) and pass out levy information at community events. They will also help get hosts for some "coffee chats" with the superintendent and treasurer. By signing up for this committee, you are helping the district tell its story through organized forums. Your committee lead will give clear guidance and your committee will meet as needed.
Events Levy Committee Lead: Sparkle Hayes & Katie Mitchell
Voter Registration Committee:

This committee will help the community learn how to get registered to vote, and provide opportunities and simple ways for them to do so. By signing up for this committee, you are helping our families and supporters utilize their right to vote. Your committee lead will give clear guidance and your committee will meet as needed.
Voter Registration Levy Committee Lead: Shari Colucci
Fundraising Committee:

This committee will organize future fundraising events and create and send out donation letters. Some popular fundraisers traditionally are Music Bingo, Bourbon Cooler, and T-shirt sales. By signing up for this committee, you are helping create and organize fun opportunities to raise money for the Citizens for Northmont's fund. Your committee lead will give clear guidance and your committee will meet as needed.
Fundraising Levy Committee Lead: TBD
Phone Calls Committee:

This committee will make phone calls to community members as a mass communication tool, along with helping answer questions that may arise during these phone calls. By signing up for this committee, you are helping the district tell its story to many people, using a personal grass roots approach. Your committee lead will give clear guidance and your committee will meet as needed.
Phone Calls Levy Committee Lead: Erika Myers
Texting Committee:

This committee will send texts as a mass communication tool, along with helping answer questions that may be texted back. By signing up for this committee, you are helping the district tell its story to many people at once. Your committee lead will give clear guidance and your committee will meet as needed.
Texting Levy Committee Lead: Julie Hamlin