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Levy Information

In January of 2025, the Northmont Board of Education unanimously voted to put a 3.44 mill emergency levy on the May 6, 2025 ballot.

Below is information about this levy and what it means for our Northmont community.

Northmont Fiscal Information


State & Local Funding

Over the past year, even with the increase in property values, Northmont has only seen a 0.26% increase in state and local funding!


Day to day costs, like gas and electric, are projected to increase at a much higher rate than this.


Spending Costs

Administrative costs are lower than 75% of the districts in Montgomery County!


The percentage of the budget spent on Instruction & Student Support is in the TOP 3 in Montgomery County!


Results of 2 Failed Levies

After voters rejected levies in May 2023 and November 2023, over 41 positions were cut, an elementary building closed, and fees increased. Some class sizes increased and there are less elective course offerings for students (like Engineering and Art)

Northmont Highlights

Despite the financial situation, Northmont continues to EXCEL and provide a High Quality Education for all students



One of the highest graduation rates in the area- 99%!


The Class of 2024 were awarded over $7.4 million in scholarships!


In 2024, 5 buildings achieved the Platinum level in the Montgomery County ESC and ADAMHS’s Schools of Excellence in Prevention Program​


Opportunities for Students

High School Course Offerings:

11 College Courses, 18 AP Courses, 3 Pre-Apprenticeships, 3 12-Point industry-recognized credentials, 2 Paid Internship opportunities, Northmont JROTC

​Elementary: 6th Grade Band/Strings

​Middle School: Career Exploration Courses


Strategic Plan

Northmont City Schools has had a Strategic Plan since the mid 1990s. The district continues to involve staff, families, community members, and students to envision what the educational experiences should be for all students at Northmont. The current plan is called Journey to 2028 and was created in 2023.

Paid for by Citizens for Northmont City Schools, Kevin Schweitzer, Treasurer
7371 Melinda Ct., Dayton, OH 45414

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